
Ageing is an inevitable process that involves changes to the properties of skin. With time, skin becomes progressively drier and less elastic resulting in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Changes in the micro-circulation mean that less oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the skin limiting its ability to repair and regenerate. Exposure to the elements causes wear and tear and this may result in the appearance of imperfections and changes in skin pigmentation.

The Harley Skin Clinic
of London offers non-surgical solutions to the effects of ageing, wear and tear (scars and hyperpigmentation) and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Treatments include anti-wrinkle injections (Botulinum toxin A), dermal fillers and chemical peels. As part of your package, you will receive a detailed consultation with our UK qualified surgeon who will analyse your skin and design a tailor made treatment regime for you.


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